Updated Guidelines: Duration of use of Mirena Coils
Please note these guidelines also apply to Levosert coils, BUT NOT Jaydess and Kyleena coils or any
copper coils.
When you had your Mirena coil fitted you may have been told it was only for 5 years. If you are not sure of the date you had it fitted:
• Check the credit card sized label you were given at the time of fitting
• Check your medical records on the NHS App
• Please only contact the surgery if you cannot find your card or find the information on the NHS App
Guidelines are always changing as we learn more, the duration of use of Mirena coils has been updated and this depends on why you are using it:
• If it was fitted before you were age 45 it can stay in for 8 years
• If it was fitted when you were 45 years or older – it can stay in until after the menopause
• If you are using it for HRT, it can stay in for 5 years and then needs changing
• If you start using it for contraception but then move to HRT and use it as part of that, it needs changing 5 years after it was fitted
Heavy periods only:
• If you are using it to control your periods only (i.e. you are not using it for contraception or HRT), it can stay in as long as it is controlling your symptoms
Other hormone coils
• Jaydess licensed for contraception for 3 years
• Kyleena licensed for contraception for 5 years
Copper (non-hormone) coils
• Most copper coils can stay in for 10 years for contraception
• If your copper coil was fitted after the age of 40, it can stay in until after the menopause