Baby & Child Health

Baby 8-week check

When your baby is approaching eight weeks old you will be invited for an appointment at the Practice. This is to check your post-natal recovery and the development, health and growth of your baby. We will also offer your child’s first immunisations at this appointment.

The rest of your child’s vaccinations will follow the government’s UK vaccination schedule and you will be invited to make an appointment for these.

Baby & Childhood Immunisations

Meon Health Practice delivers the immunisation programme for children under school age. All new born babies and children will be invited to their vaccinations as they become due. Please book your appointment when you have received your invitation. 

If your child missed their immunisation in school, is home educated, needs to catch up with their immunisations for any reason, please contact us.

You can check your child’s vaccination status via the NHS App or Patient Access account if you have access to their medical online medical records. Alternatively, you can call 01329 845777 or come into the surgery to request this.

Non-urgent advice: Vaccinations are important

Parents can often feel nervous about taking their baby for immunisations. Please rest assured immunising children is one of the safest ways of protecting them from threats to their life or long term health from preventable diseases. See information on why vaccinations are safe and important.

Health Visitors

Health visitors are advisors on child care and work closely with our doctor and nurse teams. The health visiting team will be notified of the birth of your baby. They may visit after birth and will be in contact with you throughout your child’s early years.

Telephone: 0300 373 0216
email: [email protected]