A to Z: Health
The NHS complete guide to conditions, symptoms and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
A to Z: Medicines
Find out how your medicine works, how and when to take it, possible side effects and answers to your common questions.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening is a way of checking if there’s a bulge or swelling in the aorta, the main blood vessel that runs from your heart down through your tummy. This bulge or swelling is called an abdominal aortic aneurysm, or AAA.
In England, screening for AAA is offered to men during the year they turn 65. Find out more at: Men’s Health – Meon Health Practice.
Alcohol and Drugs
Support is available for those affected by alcohol and drugs.
Inclusion Recovery Hampshire

Inclusion Recovery Hampshire want to enable those affected by drugs and alcohol to make the changes they want to make, whether that is to reduce or completely stop use. They can provide a team of Doctors, Nurses, Recovery Workers, Community Connectors, Peer Mentors and Recovery Coaches to help achieve this.
Self-referrals are accepted. Support is also available for family and carers.
If you are aged 25 call 0300 124 0103
If you are aged 24 and under, call 0845 459 9405
If you are affected by someone else’s use, call 023 8039 9764.
Other useful information:
Drink less – Better Health – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Cancer screening and support
Find out about getting screened for cancer, the support we offer and relevant national and local resources for anyone affected by cancer.
Carers support
Carer Support and Dementia Advice service
Do you look after someone who couldn’t manage without your help?
Andover Mind supports unpaid adult carers (including young carers 16+) caring for another adult with any health condition, to maintain their caring role for as long as they are willing and able to do so. Although based in Andover, they offer this service across Hampshire.
Their carer support advisors offer 1:1 emotional support and peer support groups, providing advice, information, signposting and training.
andovermind.org.uk (web chat is available)
Their core opening hours are Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm although they recognise that carers may need to be contacted at other times to suit their individual circumstances.

Fareham and Gosport Young Carers
Fareham and Gosport Young Carers provide support to young carers between the ages of 8 to 18. They run regular clubs where young carers can safely talk about how they feel, meet other young carers. Young carers can get support, advice and information as well as have some fun away from their caring responsibilities. They also provide holiday activities and occasional weekends away.
01329 312312
Other useful information:
If a relative or loved one has just died
If a relative, loved one or friend has just passed away, there will be a lot to think about which can be difficult at a time of great loss. Here we have provided some useful information.
Immediate practicalities such as registering a death, informing government agencies and arranging a funeral are available at:
What to do when someone dies: step by step (gov.uk)
Fareham Borough Council: Local bereavement and advice
Winchester City Council: Deaths, Funerals and Burials
Coping with bereavement and grief
Grief is a natural response following the death of a person you have loved or cared for. The death of a friend or relative can be devastating and, at times, seem unbearable. There’s no right or wrong way to feel. It can sometimes be helpful to access one to one support, to talk to someone who is independent and trained to listen and support you. Some people find it helpful to be with others who have experienced a similar loss.
Get help with grief after bereavement or loss – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse is a national charity providing advice, information and support to children, young people and adults who has been bereaved, whenever or however the death occurred. The South Hampshire service is provided by trained, experienced volunteers, and is confidential and free. Cruse provides face-to-face, telephone and website support both post and pre-bereavement.
Home – Cruse Bereavement Support
Hope Again for children and young people who are grieving
0808 808 1677
Bereavement Care

Bereavement Care are a charity who offer support after the death of someone close.
08081 691 922
Other useful information:
Dementia Support Services
As well as our own Wellbeing Team, there are local and national services available to support anyone living with dementia.
Find out more at: Dementia Support Services.
Domestic Abuse
A confidential help service for women, men, children and young people experiencing domestic abuse in Hampshire.
Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership

The Hampshire Domestic Abuse Partnership is a group of local services and agencies in Hampshire working together to provide help and support for:
- Victims and survivors of abuse
- Children living with domestic abuse
- People who may be abusing or hurting someone
- Professionals seeking advice
03300 165 112
Always dial 999 if you are in immediate danger or in an emergency
Other useful information:
Hampton Trust, Breaking the cycle of abuse
I’m not sure if my relationship is healthy – Women’s Aid (womensaid.org.uk)
Gambling Disorder – Southern Gambling Service
Southern Health offers a specialist service providing evidence-based treatment to people with gambling-related harms / gambling disorder. It is funded by NHS England.
The service is open to people aged 17 and older. Patients can self-refer themselves to the Southern Gambling Service
Southern Gambling Service :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Hearing tests and aids (audiology)
If you are over 55 years of age, need a hearing test, and think you might benefit from free NHS hearing aids, you can now self-refer to the local Audiology service. There is no need to contact your GP.
In our area, Community Audiology service is provided by Scrivens Hearing Care.

You can also attend your local Scrivens Hearing branch for all aftercare and any additional assistance required.
0800 027 5102
Incontinence – bladder and bowel problems
The Continence Service are a team of nurses and advisors who can offer support, assessments, treatment and advice to individuals over 18 years of age who have bladder and or bowel problems.
You can self refer yourself to the team for help and support.
Continence Team :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
02382 311690 and select option 4 for ‘The Hub’ (product queries and sample feedback).
Other useful information
Mental Health and Wellbeing Services
As well as our own Wellbeing Team, there are many local and national services available to help you feel better. Visit the link below to find out about how you can self-refer and access support.
Physical Activity
“If physical activity were a drug, we would refer to it as a miracle cure, due to the great many illnesses it can prevent and help treat.” Chief Medical Officer’s Physical Activity Guidelines 2019.

The UK Chief Medical Officer’s Physical Activity Guidelines recommend each week adults do:
- at least 150 minutes moderate intensity activity, 75 minutes vigorous activity, or a mixture of both
- strengthening activities on two days
- reducing extended periods of sitting
There are many ways to be more physically active. It’s important to find the right activity for you.
The Energise Me website Getting Active – Energise Me – Hampshire and Isle of Wight allows you to search for local activities and clubs.
British gymnastics Love To Move programme Love to Move | British Gymnastics Foundation is an age and dementia friendly seated gymnastics programme which is transforming the lives of people living with dementia.
For activity advice for specific health conditions, the Moving Medicine Patient info finder – Moving Medicine website can help.
Prefer to exercise in the comfort of your own home? Try these 10-15 minute exercises designed to improve health and wellbeing and maintain independence BBC Radio 5 Live – 10 Today | Physical activity for older people – Clips
Strengthening activities are important throughout life; from developing strength and building healthy bones during childhood to delaying the natural decline in muscle mass and bone density which occurs from around 50 years of age. Doing activities that improve strength can help maintain function in later life. The Stronger My Way campaign Stronger my way | The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (csp.org.uk) has all the information you need to get started.
Have a physical impairment or disability? The Every Body Moves Home | Every Body Moves initiative was launched to empower anyone with an impairment or disability to become active in a way that works for them.
Other useful information
Get active – Better Health – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Wellbeing Team – Meon Health Practice
Physiotherapy musculoskeletal (MSK) service
Patients aged 18 and over can self-refer themselves to the Southern Health MSK Physiotherapy Service.
Physiotherapy :: Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
0300 373 0212

Sexual Health: Contraceptive and sexual advice
For sexual health and contraceptive services, information and clinics:
Lets Talk About It

Lets Talk About It is a service provided by Solent NHS Trust. They offer Sexual and Reproductive Health services across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton including contraception, sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and advice about pregnancy, HIV, sexual assault and much more.
0300 300 2016 to speak with a trained sexual health practitioner who can give appropriate advice, treatment or an appointment.
Pharmacy Contraception Service
Pharmacies offer the contraceptive pill for free. You do not need to see a doctor or nurse for a prescription.

A pharmacist may be able to supply the contraceptive pill if you need to:
- start using the contraceptive pill for the first time
- start the contraceptive pill again after a break from taking it
- get a supply of the contraceptive pill if it’s already been prescribed to you
This is an NHS service and so the supply of oral contraception will be exempt from any prescription charges. Pharmacies will only inform us that you have accessed the service, with your consent.
Emergency Contraception
You can get the emergency pill free from most sexual health clinics, some NHS walk-in centres and pharmacies that offer NHS emergency contraception service.
You can also buy the emergency contraceptive pill at most pharmacies. Many pharmacies also sell the emergency contraceptive pill online.
Other useful information
Emergency contraception – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Family Planning Association (fpa.org.uk)
Sexual Health & Wellbeing: Brook – www.brook.org.uk
Sexual Health: Vasectomy

Mid Hampshire Healthcare has been commissioned to provide the NHS Vasectomy service to eligible patients registered at our practice.
Self-refer at www.midhampshirehealthcare.co.uk/vasectomy
Pregnancy and baby care
Self-refer your pregnancy to SHIP Maternity Referral
SHIP Maternity Referral is an NHS service providing a single point of access for all maternity referrals in the Portsmouth, Andover, Basingstoke, Winchester, Southampton and Isle of Wight areas.
If you are pregnant, you can self-refer for maternity care online. There is no need for you to contact us unless you are worried about the pregnancy.
After you submit this form, the hospital will review your information and contact you to arrange your antenatal care. The maternity service will notify us that you are pregnant.
The midwives provide antenatal clinics at a variety of sites in the local area. They monitor progress and offer help and advice on all aspects of pregnancy, delivery and postnatal care.
Once you have had your baby, please register them as a patient at the practice and we will invite you and your baby for a post-natal check at the Practice at 8 weeks.
Lets Talk About It

Lets Talk About It is a service provided by Solent NHS Trust. They offer Sexual and Reproductive Health services across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton including advice about pregnancy.
0300 300 2016
Other useful information
Whatever you want to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant or caring for your new baby, you should find it here:
Pregnancy which is unplanned
Abortion care
If you discover that you have a pregnancy that you feel you are unable to continue with, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) are able to support you to make a decision that is right for you. You can book an appointment for a consultation and medical assessment for abortion treatment by calling 03457 30 40 30 or by visiting their website at www.bpas.org.
Stop smoking
Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your health.
SmokeFree Hampshire

SmokeFree Hampshire can help you get started. They have specialist stop smoking advisers who can help you on your quitting journey. They also offer face-to-face clinics based in our Highlands surgery. You can book these directly with them via their website or by calling them.
Smokefree Hampshire | Your Stop Smoking Service
01264 563039 or 0800 772 3649
Other useful information:
Quit smoking – Better Health – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
Our Wellbeing Team – Meon Health Practice
Community First Transport (Dial-a-ride)

Community First’s Transport services are designed to ensure you make the most of your day. Their Connect service makes life easier if you are unable to access regular public transport due to limited mobility or sensory difficulties. Their service is inclusive and easy to join – you do not need to be registered disabled or provide medical evidence.
Community Transport – Community First (cfirst.org.uk)
Connect Fareham and Gosport – Community First (cfirst.org.uk)
01329 223151 Monday to Friday from 8.30am-12noon and 1pm-3.30pm.
Office Address
Connect Fareham & Gosport, 163 West Street, Fareham PO16 0EF (opposite the Holy Trinity Church)
Fareham Voluntary Car Scheme

Volunteer run, door-to-door service available to older people and people with disabilities.
01329 231899.
Friends of Fareham Community Hospital Transport Service

Friends of Fareham Community Hospital Transport Service provide not-for-profit transport service within the Fareham area.
07760 450 930
Other useful information:
www.drivingmissdaisy.co.uk – accessible transport and companionship
Weight management
BMI Calculator

Maintaining a healthy weight is an important factor of a better quality of life. To calculate whether your weight falls into a healthy range, you can use a BMI calculator.
Healthcare professionals use this tool to calculate whether you may benefit from weight loss. BMI is not a fully accurate measurement of amount of body fat, but is more a rough guide to describe the overall health of a person. Having a high BMI leads to a higher chance of type 2 diabetes, cancer and heart disease.
Gloji Hampshire

Gloji Hampshire offer free weight loss plans for people living in Hampshire.
Gloji offer a 12-week digital weight loss programme supporting eligible patients to change their lifestyle, for good. The programme is based on the latest science of what it takes to change behaviours. Gloji provides practical tools plus online resources tailored to your needs.
Eligible patients will have a body mass index (BMI) of over 30 (over 27.5 if from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities).