Women’s Health

including cervical screening (smear test), maternity services, menopause support.

Cervical screening (smear test)

Cervical screening tests are available to patients who have received an invitation. You can book online via NHS App or Patient Access account. Alternatively, you can call 01329 845777 or come into the surgery to arrange your appointment.

You will receive a letter in the post inviting you to make an appointment. We strongly recommend you do make the appointment to help ensure you do not develop cervical cancer. We offer appointment slots available at various times of the day. 

Non-urgent advice: Please note

A cervical screening cannot be completed if you are having a period as it is not possible to take a sample of cells without contamination.

Your first invitation for a cervical smear will be sent when you are aged 25 years. After that, you will be invited for regular checks every 3 years until you are 50 years then every 5 years until you reach the age of 65 years.

About the test

Cells will be removed from your cervix from the neck of the womb with a little plastic brush by one of our experienced nurses. Your appointment will be for 15 minutes but the procedure itself takes only a few minutes. The cells will then be carefully examined to check for early changes which could potentially develop into cancer cells. You may then be offered some treatment to stop you getting cancer.

Further information about Cervical screening is available at www.nhs.uk/conditions/cervical-screening/.

Contraception, pregnancy and sexual health

Contraceptive pill or injections

If you want to start or change to a new contraceptive pill or injection, you will need to contact us for a consultation. If our healthcare professional agrees this type of contraception is suitable, you will be supplied with a prescription for one year’s worth of medication.

Towards the end of the year, you can request a further prescription. You will need to submit an up-to-date blood pressure reading before requesting this.

Implants and coils

We have trained healthcare professional who are licensed to insert contraceptive coils and implants. There may be a waiting list for this service. If this is something you wish to discuss, please contact us to request a consultation.

Maternity services

If you are pregnant, please self-refer for maternity care online.

After you submit this form, the hospital will review your information and contact you to arrange your antenatal care.  The maternity service will notify us that you are pregnant. There is no need for you to contact us unless you are worried about the pregnancy.

The midwives provide antenatal clinics at a variety of sites in the local area. They monitor progress and offer help and advice on all aspects of pregnancy, delivery and postnatal care. They will also advise you on necessary pregnancy vaccinations such as whooping cough (pertussis).

Once you have had your baby, please register them as a patient at the practice and we will invite you and your baby for a post-natal check at the Practice at 8 weeks.

Unplanned pregnancy

If you discover that you have a pregnancy that you feel you are unable to continue with, the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) are able to support you to make a decision that is right for you.  You can book an appointment for a consultation and medical assessment for abortion treatment by calling 03457 30 40 30 or by visiting their website at www.bpas.org

Menopause support

The menopause is a natural part of ageing that occurs as a women’s oestrogen levels decline and pregnancy is no longer possible due to lack of menstrual cycle. If you would like to consider hormone replacement therapy, please contact us to request a consultation.

More information about the menopause is available at Menopause – NHS (www.nhs.uk).