COPD Review

COPD Review

Please complete the online form below to submit your COPD Review

Date of Birth
Email Address

Please answer the questions below:

The first 8 questions below work on a sliding scale, from 0 to 5. Please answer these questions dependent on the severity of your condition.
1. The question below helps us to quantify the impact of COPD symptoms on your overall health and form the COPD Assessment Test (CAT), which is a trademark of the GSK grroup. Coughing:
2. Phlegm
3. Chest
4. Breathlessness
5. Activities
6. Confidence
7. Sleep
8. Energy
9. How breathless do you currently get?
10. Do you use inhalers for your breathing?
If you do and your inhaler contains a steroid, brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with water and spit it out after every use to prevent mouth infections.
11. Have you had a breathing exacerbation in the last year?
An exacerbation (flare-up) is when your symptoms get suddenly worse – coughing up phlegm, tight chest and breathlessness. They often need additional treatment such as steroids and antibiotics, and are especially common in the winter.
12. Do you have steroid tablets at home in case your condition worsens suddenly?
13. Do you have antibiotic medication at home in case your condition worsens suddenly?
14. Do you smoke?