Sharing your information with someone who cares for you

We adhere to strict patient confidentiality policies so we will not discuss your medical records or provide information to anyone other than yourself. However, we do understand there may be times where you may need us to discuss your medical records and how best to mange your ongoing care with someone other than yourself. This could be a family member; someone you care for or a child. We have two ways in which this can be achieved. These are known as Consent to Share and Proxy Access.

Consent to share: allowing us to discuss your care with someone else

You may choose to allow our clinical teams to discuss your care with a nominated person or persons. You are in control of who you grant this access to and you can revoke this access at anytime by contacting us. Please note, granting ‘consent to share’ does not allow the nominated person/persons online access to your medical records within the NHS App or Patient Access.

If you would like to nominate a person(s) or your choice, you will need to provide a signed letter providing the details of the person(s) you consent to being able to discuss your medical records and care. This letter should include the following:

  • Full name of the person(s) you are consenting for
  • Their relationship to you
  • Contact details of the person(s) you are consenting for
  • Be signed and dated by all parties.

Please hand this letter to a receptionist at any of our surgeries. We will then be able to action your request, updating your records to reflect your consent to share preferences. We are unable to take requests of this nature online or over the telephone.

Proxy Access: arranging for someone else to act on your behalf

As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access our services on behalf of someone else. We call this having ‘proxy access’. This is often used by parents, recognised carers or where Lasting Power of Attorney has been put in place.

We can set proxy access up for you if you are both registered at Meon Health Practice, and we have verified you are the correct person to act on the other person’s behalf. 

To access someone else’s health and care records, you must:

  • be acting on their behalf with their consent, or
  • have legal authority to make decisions on their behalf (power of attorney), or
  • have another legal basis for access

Once proxy access is set up, you can access the other person’s profile in your own NHS account, using the NHS App or website. 

The NHS website has more information about using linked profiles to access services for someone else.

Proxy access for children under 11 years

Before a child is aged 11, their parents usually control access to their health record and online GP services.

Proxy access for children under 11 – 16 years

When a child is aged between 11 and 16, parents may be allowed proxy access to their child’s online services, if we agree this is appropriate.

A parent or carer with proxy access will be able to manage certain elements of the young person’s record, such as making appointments and ordering medication, but they will not be able to see the young person’s past appointments or clinical records.

If you are aged 13 or over, you can access your own account using the NHS App.

If you’re aged between 11 and 16, and you have questions about who can access your health record or online services, contact us.

Proxy access for patients aged 16 years and over

When a child reaches the age of 16 years, proxy access for their parent/carer will automatically cease. Subsequent proxy access will need to be authorised by the patient via a new application with their consent. 

Proxy access can be granted if the patient has been assessed as lacking capacity and granting access to a family member or recognised carer is deemed to be in their best interests. 

How to apply for proxy access

To requests proxy access, please complete the appropriate proxy access request form. Once you have submitted your form please visit any one of our three surgery reception desks to provide a copy of your photographic ID. No requests will be actioned without the relevant ID being shown: