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to improve healthcare in our community
Find out how you can keep up-to-date with our news and help to improve our services
Stay informed
Keep up-to-date by subscribing to receive our patient newsletters, reading our latest news section and following us on social media:

We want to keep you informed about what is happening at the Practice. We regularly update the news section of this website, publish regular patient newsletters (usually every 2 months) and produce an occasional Practice Management blog. You can also follow our practice Facebook page.
Read our news
Subscribe to our newsletter mailing list
You can subscribe to receive our newsletter by email. Paper copies are available in surgery too.
Follow @MeonHealthPractice
We use our Facebook page like a ‘virtual noticeboard’ to share practice news and health information.
Have your say
Share your feedback, ideas and suggestions with us – we’d love to hear from you!
Tell us about your experience with the Practice
Complaint Process
Let us know if you wish to make a complaint.

Get involved
Join our Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Our PPG is open to all registered Meon Health Practice patients aged 18 years and older.