Research at our Practice

Research is vital to improving the health of the population.
Meon Health Practice is a research-active practice.

Why we carry out research

Research is critical in helping prevent, diagnose, and cure diseases. We currently have research studies which include, Asthma, Crohns, Shingles, Chronic Kidney Disease, and Atrial Fibrillation.

When you participate in a clinical trial you are making a huge contribution and potentially helping many other people.

What is involved

Taking part in a research study can vary greatly and might involve completing a questionnaire, agreeing to an interview with a researcher, or taking part in a clinical trial.

  • Our healthcare professionals may talk to you about a particular study and ask if you would be interested in participating.
  • We may send you information via post or text message if you are suitable for that area of our research
  • Participation in research is voluntary. You can choose not to participate and doing so will not impact on the medical care we provide you.

How research may help you

Our Research team will keep you updated on your progress and how the study is doing. This can help you to learn more about your health.

  • Research improves services and treatments, not just for you but also for future generations.
  • Your contribution can help the development of new tests for diagnosis, treatments and processes.
  • Being part of the research may help to give you a more positive outlook with any health issues.

Our Research Team

We have a dedicated Research Team led by Dr. Rem Lee.

Clinical Research Nurse Barbara Watkins is available to talk to about our research and answer any questions you may have. She is usually available on Thursday and Friday mornings at our Highlands surgery.

Further information

If you would like to know more about research studies, visit the NIHR Be Part Of Research website.