Would you like to join our Patient Participation Group?

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Registered Meon Health Practice patients aged 18 years and over can join our Patient Participation Group (PPG).

You can join our Patient Participation Group (PPG) to us:

  • ensure the voice of patients in our community inform our decision making
  • understand how to improve services to best meet the needs of our patients
  • communicate accurately and honestly about key health matters
  • empower all patients to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing.

We aim to contact our PPG members 4 times a year. Typical activities may include:

  • completing an annual PPG patient survey about your experience with the Practice
  • consultation about NHS and practice priorities and key projects
  • participating in focus groups to consider particular aspects of our services
  • reviewing practice communications.

We will be contacting our PGG members to invite them to complete a survey about our services this month.

Membership is a voluntary role and all members are required to read and comply with a Code of Conduct. If you are interested in joining, find out more at: Our Patient Participation Group.
