More Meon Mythbusting
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Last month we launched ‘Meon Mythbusting’ to explain more about how things work here at the Practice. You can read more about in our previous news article.

Our GP Partners & Management Team are responding on behalf of our staff to real comments made by patients to our reception team.

MYTH #3:
“The practice is diabolical! You never have any appointments”
Our response:
- Our doctors can only see a set number of patients a day. The level of demand we receive often outweighs appointment slots available.
- NHS budgets are limited and stretched. We are unable to expand our GP workforce or replace absent staff.
- We must make sure we have clinicians available for patients who need to be seen urgently on the day they contact us. If we book too many future appointments for routine matters, we risk not being available for patients who have symptoms that require urgent attention from a doctor.
- We provide many routine appointments with our other health professionals (nursing team, clinical pharmacists, musculoskeletal (MSK) practitioners and with our wellbeing team).
You can read more myth busters at: Meon Mythbusting page.